Friday, September 28, 2012


Highspeed Heart Attack
Josef Hoflehner
Tim Navis
Holtwood Hipster
Wallpaper* | October 2008
Holtwood Hipster


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sex and the Single Girl

Believe it or not, there were some benefits to being under the weather this week. Like sitting still long enough to watch an old movie from beginning to end. An old movie filled with all kinds of design eye candy- from costumes to set design. 

Sex and the Single Girl, starring Natalie Wood, Tony Curtis, Henry Fonda and Lauren Bacall, was released in 1964.  But even today, the beautifully designed black and white sets and the leading lady's wardrobe (black and white until the very last scene), are undeniably current. 

Awesome black and white settee.  Similar throw pillows were spotted on the creme couch in Wood's apartment.
Reminds me of the doors we are considering installing at Holtwood House.
Check out that headboard in the background. Wicked good.
Classic lines and caning. 
The movie itself was a little goofy and totally entertaining. Despite the saucy title, it was perfectly innocent and a nice reprieve from the heavy, violent story lines being shown on TV elsewhere.

Sorry I've been out of touch this week. I've been sacked by the head cold that seems to spread like the plague with each season change. I hope to be up to my old tricks in no time.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Race Day Pics

On Friday, I mentioned that I would be taking part in the Race for the Cure event over the weekend in Newport Beach. Thought I'd share a few pictures I snapped during the race on Sunday morning. Over 19,000 people crossed the finish line during the early morning race. It was a beautiful and balmy morning and the mood was very celebratory and light, despite some heavy hearts walking those streets. 

The event was hosted by Komen Orange County, supporting local breast health outreach, screening and mammography for women in need. 25% of the funds raised on Sunday will also go directly into the Komen Global Research Fun to energize science and help find a cure for Breast Cancer. 

This particular brand of cancer has not been the one to hit close to home for my family. But cancer is cancer and it's effects on people and their families are one in the same. Nonetheless, statistics tell us that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed in their lifetime. Early detection through screening and ultimately a cure for this disease will benefit us all. 

What struck me most about race day were the crowds of people. Cancer is a seemingly helpless and lonely business. But no matter what effect (if any) this terrible, terrible thing has had on the people that showed up Sunday morning, it just felt good to do something. Because when you're dealing with it close up and personal, it can feel like the universe is working against you.  

It certainly didn't feel that way on Sunday. There were people celebrating survival, other's walking in memoriam and others still who will return to their own treatment this morning. For those few hours at least, the battle did not feel so lonely. And all at once, that is comforting and sobering. 

So, so glad I did this Sunday. 


Friday, September 21, 2012

The Weekend + Race for the Cure

The weekend is finally here friends. Did this week feel like the longest week ever or what? We're still battling temperatures in the low 90's (and it's supposed to get even warmer this weekend). So despite all my efforts to launch into the season, I'm finding it a little bit difficult to "get my Fall on" around here. Nonetheless, I plan to spend some time packing up all of our summertime accessories out by the pool and preparing the house for what will hopefully be cooler days ahead.

Sunday morning I'll be meeting up with family for the Orange County Race for the Cure. If you're in So Cal, come on down to Fashion Island in Newport Beach and say hello!  All the race details can be found on the Komen OC website.

Wishing you a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Oversized Mirrors + A Dilemma

I find myself in the midst of a somewhat fortuitous dilemma and I just can't seem to make up my mind. See, we just became the potential recipients of a custom made, 71 x 52", very thickly cut, beveled mirror. Trouble is, I am not sure what we should do with it.

It's kind of a boon to be offered a piece of this quality and stature. There is also some sentimental value attached to this mirror, that was custom made by a family friend. But up until now, my grand design plan for Holtwood House had not previously incorporated a mirror of this magnitude.

My very first thoughts turned to this:

This image was love at first sight for me. Trouble is, we already have a large Christian Chaize-esque photo hanging above our headboard that I'm in love with, right where it is.

So I've started to consider other ways of incorporating our new windfall.

Francois Halard Photography Via

So damn pretty right? 

The jury is still out, but I've almost arrived at a place where we can hang this sucker. 


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stilling My Soul

It's the same drill every morning and if time permits, evenings too. Some might find any way to get out of such a mundane household chore, but for me, the 20 minutes I spend watering the lawn is a routine I look forward to each day. Hell, some days even depend on it.

I think everyone needs an activity that they can get lost in, something that stills their soul for a brief period of time so that they can just "turn off" for a while. Every single morning- workday or not, I'm predictably out watching the sun come up over the rooftops in my neighborhood with a coffee cup in one hand and garden hose in another. I don't use this time to run through a mental to-do list. I don't watch the news or check email for messages like I did for so many mornings before we moved into the house. Instead, I've learned to start the day off by getting outside and waving good morning to my neighbors. It helps me feel connected to the people I reside amongst and the time out in the fresh air is something I take with me all day long while sitting in front of a computer.

If evenings permit or if the day was too hectic, I know this task will reliably help me bring it all into perspective.

What about you? Are there certain rituals or routines that you turn to when you need to shut it all off?


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Current Fixation: Triangles

It's been there all along. Just a hop, skip and a jump from the already seemingly uncomplicated chevron pattern we've all (at some point) been enamored with over the past couple of years, is an even more elementary design trending vigorously in home, textile and jewelry design. 

Right now, it's all about triangles.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Seasonal Retail Stylings: Fall Edition

With weeks of temperatures near or past the 100 degree mark here in So Cal, the dropping thermometer (finally) let us cap off the weekend with our first glimpse of fall.  So, I fled a house full of men and the onslaught of televised football games this past Sunday, in search of a cool breeze and a little retail therapy.

Looking to stack the deck, I hit up one of my favorite shopping spots- Roger's Gardens. It's hard to resist acres of landscape and styling ideas with an ocean view. Roger's is famous for seasonal and holiday displays and Sunday's visit did not disappoint.

Thinking of toasting the Fall harvest with a little soiree?

They also had a haunted boutique of sorts, overflowing with ideas for a Halloween fete. Check those out after the jump.

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