Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bar Decanter at Bedside

I am not a water drinker during my waking hours. Honestly, I'd rather drink anything else. Probably as a result of that bad habit, I am up throughout the night refilling the glass of water I keep on my bedside table, which inevitably leads to poor sleep patterns. Looking to curb this domino effect, I figured out a way to make it a little easier to have a quick sip before I nod back to sleep by keeping a small decanter of water along with my glass at the ready.

You might remember this post where I shared the up-cycled mineral bar decanters I made from old liquor bottles. I happily displayed them throughout the holidays, even putting them to work as a juice bar for our New Year's Eve extravaganza. Today, one of them serves both a functional purpose, while providing a little extra bedside pretty.


Hannah said...

Such a good idea! I was never a water drinker until I started working... now I keep a water cup at my desk at all times and I drink it without even realizing it!

Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

Ashley said...

Decanters are so beautiful who wouldn't want to keep one bedside. I love to have water on my bed stand incase I need some in the night but I hate water that has been sitting out uncovered. This solves that problem beautifully.

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