Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy Weekend + Some Link Love

It's the weekend friends and the pace over the past couple of weeks makes me ever so grateful. This weekend, we'll make a very quick trip up to the Bay Area for a friend's wedding. I always look forward seeing one of my favorite California sights - the Golden Gate. 

Even during the busiest of weeks around here, there were a few things that had my attention.

- Even as a lover of Whole Foods, I got the biggest kick out of this Huffington Post Article
- I have no idea how she does it. I'm in awe of this woman's DIY skills.
- Sometimes its better to tackle it all at once. Check out the progress on these hip digs.
- I am anxiously waiting to see what our gal Erin has in store for us with Grandiflora
- We kicked off another project at Holtwood House (which launched a new series here on the blog). Any advice? 

Fall officially begins on Sunday. Are you as ready as I am?


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