Monday, February 25, 2013

Looking Back // 2010 Oscar Viewing Party

In hindsight, I probably should've shared this with you all last week. But it was really last night's more subdued Oscar viewing that had me reminiscing about a past party we threw when we lived in our little back house several years ago. First, let me tell you that The Mister and I are infamous for the "pop up" party. We sort of decide, oh about 10pm on a Friday night that we want to throw a real, honest to goodness cocktail or dinner party the following evening and somehow, end up making it all happen. That's kind of how this one evolved. I was anxious to test out some dessert recipes I had come up with for an upcoming wedding I was catering and thought the evening would make the perfect occasion. So it was that we pulled together a few inexpensive rentals on Saturday and proceeded to move all the furniture out of our little living room so that we could have ourselves a proper Oscar-worthy affair by Sunday evening.

I had read a story behind the floral arrangements that would be in the Governor's ballroom that night and did my best to mirror that arrangement for our own table. It actually came out quite similar! We rolled out the red carpet for our (very surprised) guests and played paparazzi as they came walking to the door. Of course, we also had our own mock ballots at the ready and had ourselves a little competition to see who had correctly predicted the winner in every category. Dylan even got in on the action with his little bow tie to match the set of tails nature gave him.

It was such a good evening spent with our nearest and dearest and one of the last parties we threw in that little back house - which over the course of 10 years, had seen many, many shindigs.

If you'd like, I thought I'd periodically look back at some of those events we hosted. Many of them were quite elaborate and I think it's always fun to see how even our entertaining styles have evolved from what was once tight quarters to the now bigger house, designed for entertaining.



Kristen said...

So fun! I think next year something like this has to happen! Love the flower arrangements! I didn't realize you were a caterer?!

Trissta said...

Please do! It looks like fun! I feel like I need to start doing such things, although I'm missing a few things, a TV, namely the big one. lol

Much Love,

Albertina M. Cisneros said...

Love it!! I want to be your friend close-by to attend!! what an amazing dessert table! Where did you get the red carpet from?

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