Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hand Painted Gift Canisters

I've been toying around with the idea of painted canisters to corral all of my desktop paraphernalia and over the weekend, set out to up-cycle some used tin cans with a simple white paint job. As these things go, my fixation with black, white and gold got the better of me and I ended up with some abstract art instead. But as quickly as I finished, I could not help but envision these holding freshly baked cookies or salted caramels for gift giving. Heck, they are even fitting for a bottle of perfume or a small gift that might otherwise be relegated to a stocking stuffer. 

So I ask, why not have them both ways?



  1. LOVE this! It looks like abstract art for your paintbrushes. :)

  2. Amazing! I can't get enough gold black and white!

  3. OMG they look sooooo cute as gift wrap! Both ways are great actually, but I would love to receive one, it's like two gifts in one!

  4. Pretty! I'm loving them. I wish there was a way to get rid of the ever obnoxious tin-can ripples, though... ever the killer of all things lux. lol

    Much Love,


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