Friday, November 18, 2011

{Fur} ious

Friday is finally here and I'm tired friends. This Hipster needs a rest. A good, long rest.

Rain is in the forecast for this weekend.  I'm definitely not betting on this happening- or at least it won't be the storm of the century all the newscasters always make it out to be. It never is here in the Golden State. But we do get ourselves all get excited when we get a little weather.

Like me. I'm going to pretend it's not a balmy 60 degrees and barely drizzling. Maybe I'll even whip up some hot chocolate, just cozy up that big ol' bed of ours and lounge the weekend away until the alarm goes off on Monday morning. 'Tis the season. Let us make believe... 

Seriously exquisite. I mean... 

Can't decide if I'm more excited about the bedding or walls here. Have you ever?...

The stuff sweet dreams are actually made of.  But I'm not going to bet on any lounging either.

Via: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 


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